Monday, 24 November 2008


Finished d darned Management presentation 2day. 4 some reason (probably I set 2 high standards), was farking pissed off leh. Evry1 aso kena tembak dat day:
  • My groupmates
  • My noisy clazmates
  • Unsuspecting UTARians I happen 2 pass by
  • Unknown drivers on d road hu block my way crossing d road
I guess my PMS (post management syndrom) teenage hormones aren't satisfied wif wrecking my emotions yet....

BTW, 2 those hu were shocked 2 hear my voice's volume drown d whole claz's chatter, u haven't seen many more sides of me. Dun tink a small kid can't have a big voice.....( I wasn't shouting, k. Jz believe d fact dat I hv a loud voice :p )



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