Monday, 31 March 2008


For some reason....well, actually, I got 20/40 for my 2nd Maths test!!! I seriously felt like committing suicide. But thx 2 my brother (take note: non blood-related brother) who got 40/40 (congrats!), I felt that I should follow his footsteps. Why end my life when I hav d chance obtain 4 flat results & show them off in future? So, rather than grab a knife or a huge bottle of pills, I decided 2 grab my keyboard & channel my emotions into dis poem:

One moment I was on top of the world,
The next moment I fell in a whirl,
Why oh why did you betray me?
With sweet whispers tempting constantly,
False promises brush against my skin,
How I longed for its touch of sin,
Alas! A mere illusion has passed by,
To be felt but never to solidify,
Though my scars will never disappear,
I will still fight on, facing my fears,
When the time comes I shall defeat you,
Though no one will know whether it's true,
Whether the battle of my lifetime will ever end,
Til my death I will never understand,
How my life's greatest enemy,
Will always be myself, nothing but me.



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