Sunday, 5 October 2008

Finger Pointers

This freakin world is full of finger pointers.

From young, kids @ home will point @ other siblings, saying "He/She did it!".

As we grow older, school students point @ each other, gossiping/blaming others for anything.

In the office, even colleagues point @ each other when something goes wrong.

Yet, nothing can compare to the finger pointing we see everyday: our leaders.

Yes, they are the masters of finger pointing. Take global warming for example. Instead of doing something simple such as driving environment-friendly cars, walking instead of driving short distances, cutting the usage of private planes, these f***ing rich people decide to do something else: blame the people. Yet, aren't those freaks in the Parliament "people" too? Or....are they aliens taking over Earth politically? They implement all sorts of Acts, Enactments, & so on....kononnya nak halang ni halang tu from "further polluting our beloved planet". Then, ironically, they launch an absurd plethora of "green events" using what? Fancy confetti which aren't bio-degradable. Flashy lights & displays which definitely waste electricity. When all the hoo-hah is over, they go back in their not-so-fuel-eficient luxury cars.

Stinking hypocrites.

Let's not forget our economy. I'm nt so pro @ all those economy & business talk bt I do know 4 a fact dat the political leaders practise finger-pointing everywhere. When the economy is experiencing a slump, they make all sorts of noise.

This department didn't regulate the prices.

This department isn't loaning out enough money to the people.

This department isn't keeping an eye on the latest monetory developments.

My department? Oh....they're doing nothing cz we ran out of fingers to point @ ourselves. D only time dey actually point @ themselves is when something good happens. They'll come along proudly saying "we" did this did that....while in reality, they did nothing. We the people worked our butts off 2 support d country. And their ridiculous salaries.

Oh....ya....Malaysia's specialty: political scandals. This where fingers don't simply point around, as I'll explain later. Behind each others' backs, finger pointing is the norm. "Eh...u kno ah...dis one dat one did dat!" ..... "Ari 2 sy dengar ni buat cam ni....". But then, in our country, which happens to be the only country in the world with such a powerful tool, there is

~the FCuk~


If u dare point fingers at anyone powerful in the political scene, they'll cut your fingers off so dat u can't point @ another soul in yr life. Heck, i was even wondering why some races use chopsticks, not fingers when eating. We're smart enough not 2 let them see, let alone cut our fingers :p

Well, I guess dat's enuf finger-pointing 2day. If nt, some of u might even gimme d middle finger sign 4 crapping so much. Ironically, I myself have been pointing @ these people (above) with my own fingers. Hopefully, I won't get my fingers chopped off by the FCuk. After all, I'm only guilty of pointing my fingers @ d keyboard while typing, rite?

Eventhough the keyboard's only a "penumpang" to the computer, without it, I bet no one wud ever wan 2 even look @ d computer, let alone use it.

Hopefully, dat sentence made some(hidden) sense to u. It did cost our country a large chunk of its unity a few months back, not to mention the suspension of the idiot hu raised the issue. Oh, and not to forget, some fingers were cut off.



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