Saturday, 20 September 2008

Bye-bye Sem 2!!!

Bye2 Sem 2!!!!

(Why does TD3 manage 2 take group pics all d time?! Not fair....jealous2....)

To mark d end of d 2nd sem, some freaks decided dat dey didn nid 2 walk 2 UTAR anymore... So...main buang kasut pulak... zZz -_-

Eh....dis makcik baru realise we hv another sem coming up....kutip balik her shoe pulak....

D end of sem 2 aso marks d end of d arduous lab sessions.....

Discombobulating connections in Physics...

Obnubilating chemical symbols, equations, and reactions...

D last Phy experiment!!! Woohoo!!!

D last last-minute report rushing...

(hopefully) D last broken lab apparatus from our intake...

Buh-bye Miss Wong....not 2 mention d lab assistant hu has a nice attitude but not-so-nice Bahasa Melayu....I tak suka la dengar u cakap "I" ngan "U" masa cakap Bahasa Melayu!!!

Bye2 our Physics lcturer Miss Joanne Yap Lay Min....

Bye2 d best male lab assistant (female spot's taken by Kak Su).....Mr. Teh! Quote: Gambateh!

Miss Wong "signing authographs"....

"OK...u guys may leave....I hv 2 undergo my phenol-whitening treatment now...."

But of course.....some of us are kinda emo bout leaving the labs behind....

Back @ home: "I miss my lab sessions!!!" (Hint: Lab sessions do not necessarily involve scientific experiments. They may include other "alternative" experiments with some human subjects....hehe....)



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