Saturday, 28 June 2008


As usual.....Yong the procrastinator.....lazy wat? Here's more lazy ppl....

Sleep on d way 2 UTAR.....

Dah sampai UTAR, buat apa dalam kelas? Tidur la!

Some sleep alone....

Several sleep in pairs.....

Ocassionally in threesomes....

Some even sleep studying/doin tutorials:


In pairs...

Some require neck support from others....

(D guy on d right dah sakit bahu tahan d sleepin guy on d left)

(Dat girl dah sakit kepala cos d pink one sandar 2 long)

Where's d best place 2 sleep? During others' public speaking speech la....especially if use Powerpoint....cikgu sibuk tengok depan x sedar....lampu tutup....tidur nyenyak....

While some girls are sleepy (woke up early 2 apply makeup), some guy(s) (check out Captain Wong behind!) are super awake!!! Hey...dat includes d cameraman....nid energy 2 stalk ppl & snap pics silently u kno...

Who says I'm d only lazy one? See the lazy aura in my claz!!!



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