Monday, 5 April 2010

Annoying Ass.

I publish dis at the risk of being labelled as an obnoxious, arrogant student hu's 2 smart 4 himself.

Dis bloody assignment is really annoying. The answers really require thought, yet our claz is being held on a leash by a lady clutching onto a stack of paper and reciting it feverishly. Yes, she's really glued on to that so-called-holy-answer-scheme. And being typical Malaysian students, we're more concerned about our marks than actually learning something or getting the true answers. Yes, our answers may have many holes in them, yet we're still covering behind the false pretences of "correct" answers. You may hv "correct" answers, but they may be false. Get it?

Who da heck in claz cares? We all jz want our marks, rite?

I wanna u/stand dis subject, not jz blindly aim to get another bloody A. I kno some ppl are unfortunate enuf to be born wif d ability to memorise things blindly and vomit them into exams, scoring like hell. Well, @ least dey're fortunate enuf 2 b born in M'sia. What a sad state our education system is in, isn't it? Robots score while humans fail.

Hu cares la. No one does. My ramblings here will go unnoticed, not inducing even the least of the readers' concerns.

I refuse to be turned into an effing robot. Even if dat costs me my CGPA.



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