Friday, 3 April 2009

Waking Up?

All of a sudden, I kena hit pulak by dis freaky idea.

"Why da hell am I pushing myself 2 b d top?"

"Why am I so stressed out, competing wif others?"

Wake up! I guess I'll revert 2 my foundation/high school persona.....enjoy my studies, not slave over them! There's no point pushing myself & getting good grades if I'm goin 2 graduate as a 4-flat freak wif no social life. Well, I guess dat kills my new yr resolution bout getting in d President's List so dat my face appears on d notice boards evrywhere. Tau pun muka tak fotogenik :P

So....does dat mean I should jz relax & enjoy d ride?'s jz dat I'm starting 2 open my eyes again & realise dat no matter wat, my parents, family, & myself will be damned happy as long as I do my best.

So wat if I scored less than 1/2 of d marks for my calculus test?

So wat if I only attempted 1/3 of d questions in d Algebra test?

There's no point whining over that. I tried my best at dat time & I can b happy, knowing dat's wat I've got. No point getting higher but complaining dat "I failed 2 reach my target", rite? But then, I hv 2 admit dat d "complaining" part is useful 4 pestering others. Wat else can be more annoying than a small kid lost in d middle of degree whining constantly, rite? :P

Wat's more meaningful is my life. I wanna gain sweet memories in uni. I wanna absorb all d sensations. I wanna create some of d fun myself. N best of all, I feel like dat darned migraine pestering me 4 months is getting its butt kicked by dis new spirit!

OMG....I'm so hyper's like a breath of fresh air jz entered my lungs!

I wanna:
  • Kill dat guilty conscience bout being fat. I dun care if I have a belly. As long as I'm healthy inside & outside, it's better than having a stick body while being sick 24-7
  • Enjoy my life
  • Remove d damned "top student" signboard imprinted on my forehead
  • Gain more frenz
  • Foster closer r/ship wif my frenz
  • Have fun!
So, 2 those asses out there (including my old thoughts) saying dat

"U hv d potential, u can b a top student.....jz work harder"

"Dun give up....u can score higher"

Fuck. Off.

I have d potential. Evry1 has d potential. Wat differentiates each of us is not wat we have. It's wat we decide 2 do wif wat we have. N how satisfied we feel.

Hmm....gtg....better study abit 4 2moro's test.

Gud nite.....& hello, Mr. immature-dun-give-a-damn-underaged-Yong! I'm bak!


Ladolf Zhen Huitler on 3 April 2009 at 21:05 said...

Heh. You taught me a bunch of good lessons here. Studies may be top priority, but why not enjoy doing so instead of suffering instead?

However...I'm not pushing hard to be top, just trying to break outta the 'fail' region. LOLOLOLOL.


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