Tuesday, 23 March 2010

A decision.

A difficult decision is about to be made. Well, having my parents' support helps alot.

To those friends hu r in d same predicament as me:
Hang in there. Consider everything carefully & critically. Dis is one helluva matter which can affect yr whole life. N of course, b tough.

To those frenz hu are watching me do dis:
I reli reli hope 4 yr understanding & support. Pls pls pls dun make it harder on me by attempting to convince me to go in a certain direction which you think is right. Jz lend me yr thoughts, forget any attempts at pujuk-ing, & be there 4 me, k?

To my parents:
Thanks alot for understanding. I guess dis runs in d family blood (given our interesting history), doesn't it? =p


A. on 24 March 2010 at 01:52 said...

wat decision???


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