Saturday, 5 March 2011

Laughters & Smiles

We tend to take friends for granted sometimes. When we're busy with our life, we forget to contact them, even if we spot them on MSN. It's like they're being shoved aside to make room for the once and only priority in our life.

Then life hits us in the guts.

And who do we turn to? Our friends. Ironic, isn't it? They're like the pairs of shoes you abandoned coz you were so fascinated with your brand-new pair...

Treasure your friends. Seriously.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011


Let's just admit it.

Most of us, especially guys, have just that slight overdose of egos in themselves. Including me =p
  • Refusing to admit my fault although I know very well that I should
  • Playing tai chi concerning blame (a.k.a The Blame Game)
  • Coming up with all sorts of crappy excuses for not getting something done
  • And the list goes on...
I guess that's just built-in when it comes to most humans. But that isn't an excuse not to make a change....

I'll be better!!! XD

Random pic snapped wif a N85...

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